Genesis Tls is an online website service provider like defined in Digital Millenium Copyright Act. We respect the copyright laws and will protect the right of every copyright owner seriously. If you are the owner of any content showed on and you dont want to allow us to use the content, then you are very able to tell us by email to [email protected] so that we can identify and take necessary action. We cannot take any action if you dont give us any information about it, so please send us an email with the details like:

    • Specification about copyright of content which claimed to be infringed,

    • If you claimed about infringement from some copyright works in one email, please write the list about it in detail including website urls contain exact content that claimed to be infringing,

    • We really expect that the sender would be real copyright owner and not the third party or agents,

    • Information written must be accurate and under the law of counterfeiting.

Genesis Studio Announcement

Genesis Translations has been bought by Genesis Studio. As such, this site will be closed on August 6, 2024.

If you wish to learn more, read our Announcements.

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