Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Teacher

༺ Teacher ༻



  ‘It’s quieter than I thought.’


  In the Northern Regions, the month of May was the period when the snow started to melt.


  And as the snow melted, it turned into water, the unpaved roads becoming muddied and soaked.


  So, it was only natural that my shoes were caked in mud the moment I left the Grand Ducal Castle.


  It must be expensive to pave roads throughout the vast Land of Bitter Cold.


  The fact that only the Palace’s interior and certain streets were paved was probably due to resource or technological limitations.


  Nevertheless, despite the mud, my steps had never been so light.


  ‘I can certainly feel the romance of it.’


  There were some things I always wished to try should I one day wake up in a medieval period.


  For example, walking through their medieval streets, tasting some medieval street food, and soaking in their medieval ambiance.


  Honestly, the life of a free-spirited adventurer called forth a man’s romance far more than a rigid aristocratic life. I wished to eat rustic meals served on a simple wooden table with fantasy songs playing in the background. In fact, I desired it much more than the exquisite feasts laid out in fancy noble dinnings.


  Rather than being confined in that giant marble castle flanked by servants, I wished to go on an adventure in some dense forest paths with like-minded companions.


  Of course, I would certainly hesitate if the world from that novel was a realistic recreation of a medieval era filled with slaughter and barbarism instead of adventure and romance. But this world was based on a ‘Romance Fantasy’ novel.


  In essence, it was a fantasy world infused with some random modern conveniences to appease the reader’s tastes.


  ‘Though, I suppose there’s a breath of the wild in this world.’


  If there was only ‘Romance’ and no ‘Fantasy’, then one would be presenting the readers with a crappy novel that had no connection to the ‘Romance Fantasy’ genre.


  Just as light would shine brighter against darkness, a good romance needed a reasonable compromise with the harsh realities of the ‘Fantasy’ genre.


  The Darkness of the Medieval Era.


  Wars and Barbarism.


  Signs of conflicts against the tribes remaining in the North still lingered underneath. In fact, if one searched hard enough, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to be made aware of witch hunts or religious persecution, the very symbols of the Dark Ages.


  Yet, as a modern Korean man, it felt more romantic than disgusting. That was simply because this world’s setting wasn’t much different from the 21st century I knew.


  In proper history, these aspects of the Medieval Era were exposed, while in the 21st century, the darkness was subdued and hidden.


  Wars driven by ideological conflicts or profit were common, and with the rise of civilization, the incitement and fabrication of false information continued, as did witch hunts prompted by such.


  Humanity’s sins merely changed and adapted to fit the environment.


  That’s why I felt neither repulsion nor revulsion.


  ‘Humans will always be the same.’


  Children played around the puddles formed by melting snow, laughing heartily.


  Adults looked towards them with soft eyes while chuckling softly.


  Street rats scurried and schemed in the darkness of alleyways.


  Merchants struggled to move their carts in the muddy streets, while their employees helped push the carts, and some would try to sneak off with the goods that had fallen off.


  The streets were alive, bustling with a vibrance I always imagined, and the mere act of walking through them was liberating and filled with a promise of adventure.


  Was that perhaps why?


  “This place is amazing.”


  I had even forgotten about Rachel’s presence as I voiced my feelings.


  Because of it, a retort was quickly directed at me.


  “Is this your first time in the Northern Regions, My Lord?”


  Unlike others who were meek and afraid around Elden, Rachel talked freely.


  It was a question Rachel only dared to ask because she didn’t fear Elden.


  And I was all too happy to answer her.


  “Indeed. What about you?”


  “I’ve been here for training once.”


  “How was it?”


  “Bad. There was a war with the barbarian tribes at that time. Corpses lay strewn everywhere one went, while wails and screams echoed in the air.”


  Glancing back, I could see Rachel watching the cityscape with glazed eyes, probably envisioning something vastly different than me.


  Though our feelings may have differed, we both shared a similar appreciation for this pleasant moment.


  “How does it look to you now?”


  “Much better. I joined the battlefields at that time not just for training, but to protect the North as well.”


  “I see. Then this sight must be a reward on its own.”


  “You flatter me, My Lord. I was but a foot soldier back then, I did not influence the current state of affairs.”


  “It is said that even the smallest help can form the greatest mountain. You have every right to feel proud of yourself.”


  “……Thank you, My Lord.”


  I was savoring the very romance I had always longed for.


  Even so, simply walking through the streets was no longer enough.


  I would be left with only disappointment if the day ended like this.


  If one dreamed of a Romance Fantasy, then they had no choice but to immerse themselves in the world.


  Since it was too early for lunch, a simple snack should suffice.


  “Rachel, do you mind showing me around?”


  With her experience in the Duchy, she would be the perfect guide.


  “You wish for me to guide you, My Lord?”


  “Yes. It seems that you’ve spent some time here. Moreover, it would be a shame if I returned without exploring this place a little, wouldn’t it?”


  “Understood. Please follow me.”




  I hadn’t even mentioned a destination, but Rachel stepped forward, leading the way.


  Her pace was resolute and full of vigor.


  “Where are we going? I have not even named a place I would like to see yet.”


  Rachel stopped in her tracks, looking at me as If I just asked the most obvious question in the world.


  And when she mentioned the destination, I had to fight the urge to slap my face.


  “In order to reach the red-light district, we must head to West 18th Street.”




  Indeed, living as Elden Raphelion…


  ‘Is not all that easy.’




  [Gavinna’s Tavern]


  After clearing the misunderstanding about our destination, Rachel guided me to a tavern.


  It was my first time entering a tavern since I’d been transmigrated, so my heart was filled with ideals and hopeful expectations.


  The animated atmosphere, the faint smell of food, the sound of clinking glasses, those boisterous laughters, the dart games, as well as the arm-wrestling matches……


  In this very place where a man’s desires were fully realized, we took a seat at its periphery.


  “……My Lord, I fear that this arrangement is not quite right.”


  “Well, what can we do if there are no other seats? If it is difficult to eat while facing each other, then go sit here on my side.”


  “I’ll stay here.”


  The debate over our seats ended swiftly.


  I had dragged Rachel here, who stubbornly intended to wait outside until I’d eaten my meal.


  It would be cruel of me to eat alone when she had been the one who guided me here.


  Besides, a well-fed escort was a good escort, no?


  The problem was that there was only one table available, so Rachel ended up sitting opposite to me.


  Shortly after, the dish we ordered was served.


  It was the ‘Braised Tail of the Red Longuer’ that Rachel had recommended. 




  I couldn’t help but marvel.


  I couldn’t help but salivate.


  The ‘Braised Tail of the Red Longuer’ was a dish made from a monster, something one could only taste in this fantasy setting.


  It was a monster which had branched out of the suidae, the Crimson Longback.


  Additionally, the meat of monsters was considered to be an inferior ingredient, only available for the commoners.


  The grotesque appearance of monsters made many people gag at the thought of eating them.


  But that was exactly why this dish was overflowing with men’s ardor.


  After all, while the fancy foods prepared by the aristocratic chefs were delicious, if one lived in a medieval setting, it would practically be a sin to pass over such cuisine.


  Just when I was about to taste the Braised Tail, I felt Rachel staring at me, so I looked at her.




  “My Lord, please order something different. If anyone sees you, this may mar your reputation.”


  ……There was no way something like this would [damage] Elden Raphelion’s reputation.


  Upon hearing this, I merely tapped my hand against my hood.


  “People will only realize that the successor of a County and his Knight were here if you do not keep quiet.”




  “Let’s eat.”


  “Yes, My Lord.”


  Here it is, I was about to taste the paradigm of medieval cuisine.


  After dealing with Rachel’s protests, I took a big scoop of my steamy dish.


  “Mmm-. It’s delicious.”


  “It should taste even better if you dip it in the sauce.”


  “Is that so?”


  I quickly grabbed a piece of the succulent tail with my fingers and dipped it into the sauce.


  The chewy texture of the tail clashed with the slightly sour and sweet sauce, exuding a refreshing lemony taste – Truly, a match made in heaven.




  How very scrumptious.


  It was a flavor that filled one’s mouth, assaulted their taste buds, and caused amylase to be released indiscriminately.


  It was a taste that would make one’s eyebrow furrow into a capital W and the head nod like a bobblehead doll.


  A taste so rich that almost made me forget it all and embark on a culinary journey.


  It was all the more so when considering how the succulent meat from the tail and the thick stew were all there was to it. After all, the sauce itself is plain in color without a single vegetable.


It’s amazing that such a flavor can be expressed with a simple presentation. It seemed that there might be a talent worthy of a noble chef right here.


  After mentally praising the notable chef who had concocted this masterpiece, I proceeded to devour the dish.


  If this first meal was such a huge win, I was already looking forward to the second, but sadly, I wouldn’t be able to leave the Grand Ducal Castle this evening. And tomorrow’s lunch would be the first official meeting of the cohabitation.


  Sadly, it would be difficult for me to return here anytime soon.




  I set the bowl on the table, now scraped clean of the stew.


  “This is a delicacy. I could eat this every day and not get tired of it.”


  “I was afraid such a simple dish was beneath you, My Lord. However, I am glad you liked it.”


  “To think I have neglected such a dish until now…How truly regrettable.”


  I washed my hands in the bowl of water they provided us.


  This meal definitely deserved a perfect score. An all around success.


  I wanted to come back here in the evening and try other monster dishes.


  A burning desire to taste every monster dish out there raged within my heart.


  It was especially so when thinking how in this fantasy setting, there must be a great variety of monsters in different regions.


  It was only natural that I started to chart the plans for my culinary journey in my mind.


  ‘It can’t be helped.’




  I had transmigrated into a romance fantasy novel of the medieval era. But instead of enjoying it, I would have to spend my days confined in a dull Palace, pretending to be a madman, all while persevering through a Betrothal Contest.


  So, I needed to plan for my culinary journey accordingly.


  To this end, I looked at Rachel with a smile.


  “……Why are you staring at me like that, My Lord?”


  “From tomorrow onwards, you have a new task.”


  “What would that be?”


  For me to embark on an amative culinary journey across this world, I would need to be a versatile warrior and not a bloodthirsty maniac.


  Especially since my Knight, Rachel, possessed the qualities of a magic swordsman that I could have only dreamed of. In other words, she was able to imbue magic in her sword.


  “Become my teacher.”




  After all, if it was Rachel, she most certainly had such qualifications.




TL Note:

Rachel’s speech while formal, is not as formal as Butler Rendler. So I hope I conveyed it well.

Welp, sorry for em delay lads!

Mama got a bad case of Covid (again ffs) And had to stay at the ER for a couple.

Btw….anyone wanna donate 70 dollars on kofi for mweee to buy Stellar Blade??? I loved Nier, and this looks like Nier and Bayonetta had a love child.

Coff, coff Genesis – Mara Sov



Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Transmigrated Into A Tragic Romance Fantasy

Score 9.95
Status: Ongoing Released: 2024 Native Language: Korean
I was curious about what a female-oriented tragic romantic fantasy was like, so I skimmed through only the free chapters. And then… “…Ha.” I found myself transmigrated into one of the main male characters, destined for tears of regret, exhaustion, and obsession. So, the first thing that had to be done was… "I, Elden Raphelion, hereby declare my withdrawal from the competition for the betrothal of the Third Northern Duchess." To escape this tragedy.


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