Entering the Academy

Chapter 2 - Entering the Academy

  The chirping of the birds marked the beginning of dawn.
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  “…I guess it’s time to lay her down, isn’t it?”

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  I gently lifted Kania, who was drifting off on the bed, and carefully laid her down on the floor where she had fainted. Then, settling onto the bed she had been on initially, I called out to her.



  “Hey!! How much longer will you just lie there!?”

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  Startled, she rose from the floor and looked at me with clenched teeth, confirming the fact that she collapsed on the floor. 



  “Why are you glaring at me like that? Do you have any complaints?”




  “Then go prepare breakfast.”




  “Oh, and if you’re going to bring something as terrible as yesterday…just take your sister and leave.”




  “What? Don’t want to take her along? Will you leave her with our family? I’ll make her my mistress if that’s the case.”



  At the mention of her sister, Kania couldn’t contain her emotions and burst into tears.



  To her, her younger sister was her most cherished treasure and her greatest weakness. 



  “Then…please get ready…I’ll be right back…”


  “Yes, work hard.”



  As she dashed out of the room in tears, the system window materialized before me as usual.



[Acquired False Evil Points: 1pt! (Insincere Remarks)]



  ‘…What’s this additional message next to the point? Is it explaining the circumstances under which I committed the evil deed?’



  Glancing briefly at the system window, I nodded, soon muttering to myself.



  “Well, I never really meant those words deep down.”



  How could I treat her like that when Kania’s sister would later prove to be crucial to her future cure?



  Nevertheless, I still had to make Kania hate me by telling her I still covet her sister.






  Rising from bed and taking my place at the dining table, Kania brought coffee and sandwiches.






  Seeing me silent and staring at the meal, Kania clenched her teeth, anticipating another ruined breakfast.



  However, I merely ensured that the ‘False Evil’s Intuition’ remained dormant. Since it didn’t signal any threat to my life, it appeared breakfast wasn’t poisoned.



  “…Okay, I’m tired of nitpicking now.”



  I began sipping the coffee, wearing an expression suggesting I had no other option but to tolerate it.



  ‘It’s so delicious.’



  Despite my outward expressions, I couldn’t help but think that Kania was great at cooking. At present, even this coffee alone could outshine the creations of royal baristas.



  “Why is this so bitter again?”


  “I apologize.”



  Of course, I could never admit that it was delicious, since I had to play my role as the villain.


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  “Anyway…there’s nothing to like about this.”


  “I will do my best to please you, master.”


  “Then don’t just stand there and bring me the academy invitation. I want to show you something.”





  As I instructed Kania in an apathetic voice, she extended the academy invitation in her arms to me.



[Sunrise Academy]

Frey Raon Starlight, the firstborn of the noble Hero family. We extend an invitation to Sunrise Academy, the Empire’s pride and the preeminent institution on the continent. Join us and become the starlight illuminating our future.

Dean Lionel



  “Did you see? They want me to become their starlight.”



  I snorted as I quietly read the invitation, then crumpled it up and threw it at Kania.



  “I’m in a different position than you, an orphan admitted solely through my father’s letter of recommendation.”




  “So, won’t you take good care of me at the academy? Kania?”


  “Yes, but Young Master…you should know…”


  “The equality enforced among academy students? ​​Nonsense. That’s what the barons and margraves uphold. As one of the Empire’s few dukes and the direct heir of the Hero’s lineage, such notions are irrelevant.”




  “So, don’t talk about such a silly thing. At the academy, if there are commoner bastards who complain about the rules, you will handle them. Okay?”




  “Then it’s time to leave for the academy. Since the descendant of the revered hero’s family can’t be late from the first day of the academy.”



  With that, I rose from my seat, leaving more than half of my coffee and sandwich untouched. In my mind, I really wanted to finish the meal as I couldn’t eat well yesterday, but my actions were a ploy to make her hate me.



  “Master, the carriage is ready.”


  “Hello~! Master Frey! Our finest carriage is prepared to escort you safely to your destination!”





  As I left the dormitory, a magnificent golden carriage bearing our family crest was waiting for me.



  “Oh, you’re more handsome than the rumors! Oh, my gosh…I’ve fallen in love at first sight…!”




  “Yes! If you have time…uhmmmm…”



   I hesitated at the carriage’s door, when suddenly a lady appeared out of nowhere and hugged me.



  ‘You’re so obvious, you bitch.’



  I was infamous for being quite the lustful man. That’s right, at this point, my reputation was at its worst. Yet, being the firstborn of the Hero’s line, even the Imperial Family was forced to show me respect.



  Anyway, it seemed someone deliberately selected a prime beauty to seduce me. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to play with such a woman right now, with my life at stake.



  “Puhaha! The inner workings of such a vulgar being are laid bare, aren’t they?”



  I chuckled, then coolly embraced Kania and muttered icily.



  “By the way… despite your similar lowly status, I have a more useful one by my side.”


  “Ah, yes…”




  Suddenly, Kania stiffened, clenching her teeth to suppress her killing intent.



  “…And I’m a little busy right now.”


  “I see… my apologies…”



  As I spoke coldly, the woman’s complexion drained of color as she hastily scampered away from me.



  “Kania, let’s get in the carriage together.”


  “I… can ride on horseback…”


  “But aren’t we meant to travel together, Kania?”





  Meanwhile, with a smile, I boarded the carriage alongside Kania, casually addressing the bewildered woman lingering behind.



  “You, I will remember your face.”


  “Yes, yes! Thank you!”



  It was common knowledge that being ‘remembered’ by the first son of the Starlight family implied that he would spend the night with you.  





  Perhaps that explained the woman’s radiant smile, while Kania struggled to conceal her revulsion.



[Acquired False Evil Points: 1pt! (Avoided Honey Trap)]



  ‘In fact, I remember her from the blacklist I had memorized in my head.’



  Perhaps that woman was a hired courtesan from a brothel in the upper echelons of the underworld. I need to write a letter to inform my father of the link between the underworld elite and the rest of society.



  “…Young Master.”




  “I’m worried that the Young Master’s arm will go numb. So, why don’t you take your arm off my waist?”



  As I got into the carriage and sat next to Kania instead of sitting across from her, keeping my arms wrapped around her, she spoke in a trembling voice.



  “I don’t want to?”




  “Um, come to think of it, it’s kind of awkward to keep it wrapped around your waist. Then… this is okay, right?”



  Ignoring her reaction, I placed my hand on her thigh this time.



  “Y-Young Master…please…don’t do this…”



  Then Kania closed her eyes tightly and burst into tears.



  “Well, that’s unfortunate.”



  I finally moved away from her and sat on the seat opposite to her. Looking out the window, I muttered to myself while carefully wiping the blood that had spurted out from between my lips.



  ‘Anyway…I can’t get used to this, no matter how many times I do it.’



  Unless Kania is asleep, I have no choice but to infuse my life force into her this way. Of course, infusing life force this way is several times more physically demanding than when she is asleep, not to mention that I’m even treated as a sexual harasser.



  Well, if I can prolong Kania’s life, I’m fully willing to be treated as a sexual harasser.



  “I’m going to take a nap, so keep quiet. Kania.”







  So I tried to close my eyes for a moment in the carriage before entering the academy, but soon I remembered that the woman in front of me was hell bent on killing me.






  I eventually gave up on sleeping, closed my eyes and looked at the False Evil points I had once again earned through self-sacrifice.



[Accumulated False Evil Points: 100 pts]



  ‘Oh, that’s quite a lot?’



  It hasn’t even been a day since my regression, but I’ve already accumulated 100 points, probably because I’ve been doing various evil deeds nonstop.






  I cracked open the window, whispering “store” under my breath, and rolled my eyes, keeping them shut.



  ‘Let’s see…stat distribution…item store…and even the skill store? That’s a lot.’



  As foretold in the prophecy, the store seems to consume the evil points and provide me with benefits.



  I was itching to examine it in detail right now, but Kania was lurking outside. I’d have to investigate later, back in my dormitory.



  “Ummm…mmmmmmm…Kania…hold on…hehe…”





  After I finally made my decision, I pretended to sleep while calling out Kania’s name the whole way to the academy.



  Thanks to this, the bloodlust I could feel had increased, but as a result, the accumulated False Evil points had also grown.



  I guess I’ll have to use this often.











  “Young Master, please wake up.”


  “Kania…hehe…that posture is nice…keep it up…”


  “Young Master, please…”


  “…Huh, what is it? What’s the matter?”



  I had been pretending to sleep for a while, then suddenly Kania started shaking me to wake me up.



  As I roughly rubbed my eyes and woke up, Kania sighed and said.



  “We’ve arrived at the academy. We’ll have to get off soon.”


  “Already? These days, carriages are really fast….”


This Novel was taken from https://genesistls.com/

  As I stretched and peered out the window, Sunrise Academy loomed into view.



  The sight warmed my heart. Originally, the academy had crumbled under the Demon King’s onslaught.



  – Frey Raon Starlight, the first son of the Starlight Duke, the family of the Hero, has arrived!



  “Did you see Kania? I haven’t even entered the academy yet, but they still recognized me?”


  “I think they saw the family’s crest on the carriage.”


  “You’re so tactless, sometimes you just have to agree.”


  “My apologies.”



  As I looked the amassed False Evil points, a mutter escaped my lips, laced with malice toward Kania.



  ‘The rules of equality must be ensured, yet such nonsense is still prevalent…equality is just a façade.’



  Despite there being a rule that states, “Everyone is equal in the academy,” why hadn’t the tradition of announcing the arrival of a son from an influential family on the day of the entrance ceremony disappeared yet? This is a place to gain knowledge, not a banquet hall.  


  The Empire was gradually decaying, its rot fueled by such evil practices and entrenched corruption. Even without the involvement of the Demon King or myself, the Empire’s downfall appears inevitable.



  So, I had to defeat the Demon King, ensure the survival of the heroines, and clean up the mistakes of the Imperial family to some extent. After defeating the Demon King, I’ll probably be no longer in this world.



  Although it wasn’t not impossible if I used the knowledge gained from both the prophecy and the previous timeline, the heroines were still a problem.



False Evil’s Intuition
[A powerful killing intent is felt nearby!]



  “…Hehe, speak of the devil.”



  I took a deep breath as I recited the famous saying my ancestor loved to use in the prophetic book.



  It’s not just any ‘Killing Intent’ either, but a ‘Killing Intent’ that I could recognize.


This Novel was taken from https://genesistls.com/
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  It seems all the Main Heroines are brimming with fury.

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

메인 히로인들이 나를 죽이려 한다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.   Now, I'm trying to save the world using the 'System' I gained as the 'Regressor's Privilege'...   But the Main Heroines have also awakened their memories of the previous timeline.   God dammit.


  1. Ryukurou says:

    Thanks for the chap!

  2. Raviel Ivansia says:

    why the mc do that

    1. Vontes says:

      Bro wtf, do you even read the novel?

    2. Ahaaa says:

      I dont understand your question bro

  3. lazy_reader_18 says:

    This novel is different from other novels and its interesting!

  4. ons says:

    i dont get why mc wants to keep the female leads alive tho i think i missed something

  5. Ad says:

    Because he feels guilty.
    And they deserve better just like MC

  6. Dio says:

    Because mc is a simp. Jk it’s because of plot

  7. Dio says:

    Mc is willing to destroy the world for a hidden ending but is also willing to reduce his life force and suffer because why not.

  8. Jazper says:

    Feel like y’all are misunderstanding the MC.

    The MC didn’t destroy the world because he wanted to or because of power, he did it to get the happy ending.

    It was even stated that he hated it because it goes against his nature.

    Also, the MC cared deeply for all the heroines, and he feels tremendous amount of guilt for betraying them in his past life.

  9. Mkobserver says:

    Can someone explain why kania doesn’t use her sister to cure her? She has the future knowledge, most likely was cured in the alternate timeline, so why does she not cure herself then kill this guy and leave him? Of course i don’t want him dead but i don’t see why she wouldn’t do that. Am i missing something?

  10. Yuu says:

    I’m guessing this knowledge comes not from the previous timeline, but from his Happy End strategy guide from his ancestor. It’s implied in the prologue that her curse was never cured during the first timeline.

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