Freshmen Welcome Party

Chapter 3 - Freshmen Welcome Party

  The entrance ceremony concluded without a hitch.
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  “Everyone, cheers!!”



  What’s noteworthy is the freshman welcoming party held after the entrance ceremony.



  Of course, the reception of commoners remained modest and straightforward, but that wasn’t the case for the nobles.



  “…This wine hails from the western continent, aged 56 years.”


  “Here, veal filet steak and foie gras. May your meal be enjoyable.”



  While the people of the Empire suffered, these esteemed daughters and sons, who didn’t even have a title, indulged in luxuries enough to sustain a village for months.



  Then again, I was the leader of such a group.



  “Lord Frey! Let’s raise a toast!”


  “Oh my, the rumors about your charm are true. Can you spare some time tonight?”


  “Greetings, Lord Frey! I’m the second son of Viscount Ariel.”



  Amidst the flattering throng of people at the head table, I managed a strained smile and sipped my drink.



  Of course, internally I was worried about how to survive from the heroines while trying to figure out how to cleanse the Empire of its parasites.



  “So, did you hear what that commoner bastard said earlier?”


  “What did he say?”


  “Well, he said his dream was to become a student council member! Don’t you think that’s funny?”


  “He’s definitely got a screw loose. Should we knock some sense into him?”



  As I pretended to have fun chatting with the women who approached me, I overheard the conversation of the nobles sitting next to me.



  Yes, on the surface, Sunrise Academy strived for equality for all, but beneath, it was a different story.



  Most aristocrats ignored commoners implicitly, some even bullying them outright.



  The same applied to aristocratic students—the greater their power, the more privileges and fame they received, so even the professors turn a blind eye to these absurdities.



  In other words, it was hypocrisy.



  “It’s not a guy, but a girl?”


  “What? A girl? That would be more fun, right?”



  The woman in question was likely ‘her,’ destined to become the Empire’s Archmage from humble origins and command the battlefield.



  When she was at the academy, she had become a target of bullying for the aristocrats after defending herself against three intoxicated noble students. 



  “Right? I suppose does sound interesting.”


  “Ah, Lord Frey?”


  “So, when are you going to do it, George?”


  “Uh…well…wouldn’t it be best to go as soon as possible…haha…”


  “Really? Then do a good job.”


  “Oh, yes!”



  As I spoke indifferently, the nobleman at the center bowed deeply and exited the banquet hall, engaged in a heated discussion with his companions.



  ‘Anyway, among this extravagant bunch, I’ve yet to find anyone trustworthy’ 



  I watched the departing student with pity, knowing he’d soon become a sacrifice to the future Archmage, and got lost in thought.



  Tomorrow, as I officially began attending the academy, I’d inevitably encounter the heroines.



  This is because we were all assigned to Class A.



  Unlike the naturally talented or genius heroines, I had to pull some strings to get in. In fact, I had used the backdoor on purpose.



  Honestly, even if I were to take the exam now, I was confident I’d tie for first place with my fiancée and get a perfect score. But alas, I couldn’t since I was condemned to be an incompetent, evil, pathetic and vile person.

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  For those unfamiliar with the system, one might question why I didn’t simply commit evil deeds selectively after confiding in a few people that I was a False Evil.



  Indeed, I hoped for such a scenario, but there was no way the system would easily provide a happy ending to this doomed world.



  “System, inherent skill window.”



[Inherent Skills Window]

-Permanent Debuff: The Fate of False Evil
Description: Every time you’re exposed as a ‘False Evil’, your vitality and lifespan will decrease.



  This dire penalty was why I couldn’t reveal my identity and abandon selective evil.


  I continued to siphon my life force periodically to Kania, with much work to be done. If my lifespan further decreased due to the system’s penalty, I be done for. So, I had to ensure no one discovers my status as a False Evil.



  ‘…Should I just give up on being a villain?’



  For a moment, doubt crept in, but I shook my head and steeled my resolve.



  As the successor to the hero who appeared in the world 1000 years ago, my father had trained me for a long time. If I didn’t act, the world would perish.



  However, my father wasn’t cold-hearted enough to send his son into a hopeless situation, knowing he would die. Father would have torn the prophetic book to shreds if he’d known that I was doomed to die.



  Perhaps my ancestor had foreseen this, and put a spell on the phrase ‘The Hero will perish in vain alongside the Demon King’ so that only I could see it.



  But if that were the case, my ancestor from another world would have been a person without blood or tears, forcing his heir to sacrifice himself 1000 years later.



  “System, show clear privilege.”



 [Clear privilege: When everything is over, you can make a single wish to the Sun God.]




  Perhaps my ancestor negotiated with the Sun God 1000 years ago to avoid such a reputation, leaving me, his successor, this gift.



  After all, the Sun God, Overseer of Light in this world, could easily grant the wish of a mere mortal like me.



  In short, this is my plan:



  First, I’ll become infamous by continuing to commit evil deeds while gathering evidence and reigning as the secret mastermind. Simultaneously, I’ll weaken the axis power of evil and eradicate the despicable customs and abominations of the empire.



  Then, on the day of the decisive battle, I’ll use the system to die alongside the Demon King. Afterward, I’ll wish for my revival to the Sun God.



  For reference, my ancestor left a tip in the prophetic book. He said the Sun God is more pompous and stingy than expected, so wishing for something more difficult than resurrection could result in punishment for a damnable sin.



  If the Church of the Sun God and Saintess discovered the book’s contents, they’d denounce my ancestor as a heretic, but I trust him, the Empire’s Hero, over a cult preaching nonsense. 



  Anyway, after my resurrection, I’ll reveal the information I’ve gathered to prove my innocence and self-sacrifice. Then I’ll live out my days in luxury as the Hero, with the bonus of witnessing the cleansed Empire.



  Frankly, it’s going to be a challenging journey to reap these rewards, but what choice do I have? I’m the only one who can save the world from destruction.



  And if I don’t act, eventually, my family and I will perish in this doomed world. This madness is necessary to save not only the Empire but also myself and those I hold dear. 



  “Hey, come here!!”


  “Hey, let me go!”


  “S-Save me!!”


  “You filthy bitches. Can’t you just shut your trap and follow me?”



  While I was drinking and organizing my thoughts, suddenly the banquet hall door burst open, accompanied by commotion.



  Upon closer inspection, I saw that the drunken nobles who went outside were causing a stir by dragging commoner girls into the hall.



  ‘I never attended the banquet hall in the previous timeline since i was too busy devising plans to destroy the empire… Damn it, I can’t believe this is happening.’



  While maintaining a facade of casual drinking, I pondered solutions when a familiar swear word caught my attention.



  “Fuck!! Fuck you bastards!! Let me go! Let me go!!!”


  “Be quiet… Angry bitch…”


  “Lord Frey! I’ve caught her! The sleazy bitch I mentioned earlier!”





  I was startled to see the noble student who had gone out earlier holding a red-haired girl with fierce eyes and a scarred face.



  ‘…Irina Philliard was captured here?’



  She was known as the Second Coming of Hellfire, her moniker more than just a title as she turned battlefields into infernos.



  Besides her primary field of expertise ‘flame magic’, she is a genius magician proficient in all elemental magic and was literally born to wield magic.
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  Given her extraordinary magical talent, why was she captured so easily?



  ‘…Don’t tell me she is planning to burn down the entire banquet hall to wipe out all the nobles along with me!?’



  After a moment of terrifying imagination, I swiftly accessed the system window and entered the store.



[Store / Beginner Assistant Skills]
Inspect Lv1 (30 points)
Description: Displays important information about the target you are inspecting in the system window.
Emergency Protection (70 points)
Description: Protects the target once from a fatal blow. (Disposable) (Purchase limit 0/3)
Mind Reading Lv1 (150 points)
Description: Allows you to read a person’s emotions once per day.










  I quickly looked at the available skills and urgently purchased ‘Inspect Lv1’ and ‘Emergency Protection’.



  “Status Window.”



  After the purchase, I muttered softly, and Irina’s information appeared before me.



Name: Irina Philliard
Strength: 8
Mana: 8
Intelligence: 7
Mental Strength: 5
Passive Status: Mana Exhaustion / Sickly / Weakened



  ‘Mana Exhaustion?’



  Perhaps due to her low level, I was momentarily dumbfounded upon seeing this detail.  

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  As a freshman at the academy, she already had an incredible magical talent of 8 mana, and now she’s mana exhausted? Did that even make sense?



  “Fuck!! I’m going to kill everyone. I’m going to kill you all!!”


  “She’s rude, but doesn’t she have a pretty face?”


  “What about the other bitches?”


  “Hey, don’t tell me you guys are going to play with these lowly bitches?”


  “As long as they taste good, that’s all that matters.”



  Observing the scene, the aristocratic males whispered with sinister intent, eyeing Irina and the trembling commoner girls.



  “I choose the girl on the far left.”


  “I’m getting the brunette on the right.”


  “Then I’ll choose that rude bitch.”



  The male students, who had been whispering for a while, raised the corners of their lips, and stood up from their seats and started walking towards the girls who were trembling on their knees.





  “Help!! Please…!!”


  “Hey, let me go!! You bastards!!”



  Eventually, the women started screaming as the men grabbed their hands, and finally I, who had been quietly observing the situation until then, had no choice but to take action. 



  “Can’t you stay still? This lowly bitch dares…”



 – Clank!!!






  I threw the crystal wine glass in my hands at the boy who was walking while holding Irina’s head.



  “…What the hell? What kind of fucker …”



  The male student, who was staggering after being hit by the wine glass, grabbed his forehead and started swearing, while I glared coldly at him and opened my mouth.



  “You bastard! What are you calling me?”


  “Lord F-Frey!!”



  Since my drunken behavior of throwing glasses and violent nature is widely known, the surrounding atmosphere became chilly in an instant.



  “Lower your head.”


  “Yes, yes!”



  As soon as I finished my words, he banged his head so hard that a dull sound resounded in the banquet hall. However, I looked at him coldly and opened my mouth again.



  “Where are you putting your head?”




  “Place your head on the shards of the broken glass, you punk.”





  The guy rolled his eyes for a moment at my words, but he was quick to notice, as he banged his head on the shards of the broken wine glass with all his might and shouted.



  “Sorry, I’m sorry!! Lord Frey!! Please forgive me!!”



  At that shocking scene, the surrounding atmosphere became uncontrollably grim. As I sighed amidst it all and got up from my seat, I calmly said.



  “Everyone except for these girls get out.”




  “Didn’t you hear me? I told everyone to leave, didn’t I?”


  “Ha, but…”


  “Get out so I can have fun with them, you bastards!!!”



  As soon as I rebuked them, the students, who had been wary for a while, soon rushed out.



  “Please, someone s-save me…”



  Soon after, a slender-looking female student, who was dragged to the banquet hall and the only woman on the left side of the male student, opened her mouth while trembling.



  “…Let’s see how you taste.”





  I ignored her plea and started stroking her chin, and at that moment, the rest of the girls who witnessed the scene started trembling in fear.



  “Hey, run away!!!”





  Irina pushed me down with all her strength and screamed at the children next to her.



  “T-Thank you…!”





  Then the girls, who were terrified, fled all at once, and Irina, who was smiling at them, soon keeled over as she ran out of strength.



  “… You’re one crazy bitch, aren’t you?”



  After confirming that the girls had escaped, I slowly got up, picked up a bottle of wine from the desk and chugged it down my throat as I approached Irina.



  “Haa… it turns out you’re disgusting until the end. You bastard.”


  “What are you talking about?”


  “You’re a bastard who will soon become a corpse, a filthy piece of shit who only thinks with his lower half. An utter trash. If I had known that things would turn out this way, I would have used my ultimate magic on you instead of the Demon King.”


  “What kind of bullshit are you spouting, you bitch?”



  I desperately pretended to be drunk as she kept shooting the events of the previous timeline like a rapid-fire gun, and after conveying that I had no clue what she was talking about, I arrived in front of her and reached out to her.  



  “Damn it, I should have saved some mana for committing suicide.”



  I felt a hit to my heart from her words as soon as I grabbed her collar. I soon closed my eyes and slumped to the floor.








  Normally, doing such a defenseless thing in front of her would be suicidal, but she is currently in a ‘Mana Exhaustion’ state. In other words, she can’t harm me right now.






  After I collapsed on the floor and pretended to snore, I felt her looking down on me for a moment, then she staggered quickly out of the banquet hall.



  Honestly, I don’t know how I would react if she actually tried to kill me. Fortunately, it seems that she was smart enough to recall the possibility that the men I had chased off earlier might return and if they find me dead, not only herself but also her family will be annihilated.



  [Acquired False Evil Points: 200 pts! (The Savior of Female Students)]



  “Ha…it’s really tough.”



  After a while, when the False Evil points appeared in front of me, my tension was relieved at once, then I sighed and tried to get up…



[Emergency Protection skill is automatically used!]






Target: Irina Philliard’s 12 o’clock Curse
[Details: The 12 o’clock curse sentences the target to inevitable death at 12 o’clock midnight the day after the spell is cast. This devastating curse can only be used once a year, and the person who activated the curse suffers from mana exhaustion for 1 year.]



  I almost passed out when I saw the system window that popped up in front of me.



This Novel was taken from
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  Apparently, I have a lot of work left to do in the future.

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

메인 히로인들이 나를 죽이려 한다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.   Now, I'm trying to save the world using the 'System' I gained as the 'Regressor's Privilege'...   But the Main Heroines have also awakened their memories of the previous timeline.   God dammit.


  1. Ryukurou says:

    Thanks for the chap!

  2. dontmindme says:

    Lmao, she’s hardcore.

  3. Who Knows says:

    Damn, tough life…

    Actually, his plan to be revived after dying sounds kinda shaky… Even if he does get revived, isn’t it pretty likely that he’ll just be killed again afterwards… It’s entirely dependent on whether he is able to prove his innocence afterwards, which I think is pretty tough as a universally hated villain…

  4. Bunnyman13 says:

    I dont think there’s any wish after it all. Pretty sure the hero wrote that just so his descendants work.

  5. Coolman says:

    Maybe Who knows.

  6. Mkobserver says:

    Depends on the condition if his revival i think

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