Field Practice

Chapter 6 - Field Practice

  “Now, time for practical training. Everyone, follow me outside.” 



  When the break was over and class resumed, Prof. Isolet turned around and walked out of the classroom after leaving an instruction to follow her. 



  “Tch, if only she wasn’t a Bywalker…” 


  “It’s annoying… I’d rather have classes like before…” 
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  While the commoner students were quietly preparing to leave, the majority of aristocratic students grimaced and started blaming Isolet. 

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  ‘They can only gossip behind her back since they can’t say anything in front of her… disgusting.’ 



  They’re getting mad because even if they want to talk openly in front of someone, they can’t, however that’s a daily routine for these guys. 



  But are these guys skilled enough themselves? 



  Absolutely not. 



  Most of the aristocratic students in Class A, the highest-ranked class in the academy, entered through the back door. In other words, if Isolet swungher sword even once, it would knock out most of them. 



  On the other hand, the commoner students got their admission relying on their own abilities. For this reason, the nobles ignored them as lowlives but ‌were jealous of them at the same time. 



  “Excuse me, Sir Frey, if you ever change your mind…” 



  Anyway, while I was glaring at the nobles, the Saintess walked up to me and started talking again with a desperate look on her face. 



  “I told you I’m not going, you bitch.”



  Of course, I had no intention of dying until I defeated the Demon King, so I immediately snubbed the Saintess who was trying to convince me to go along with her. 






  The Saintess, with a shocked look in her face, immediately ran out of the classroom. Well, it wasn’t surprising since she was subjected to profanity because of her kind-hearted nature. 



  ‘…By the way, is she going to keep doing this? It’ll be a bit problematic if that’s the case.’ 



  Although the Saintess had a fraudulent buff called “The Blessing of the Sun God”, in reality, her actual risk factor was quite low since she was far too inferior in terms of hatching schemes. As long as I was careful, she probably wouldn’t be able to kill me. 



  However, if the Saintess maintained this farce in the future, then it would become quite difficult. 



  This was because the ‘False Evil’s Intuition’, which warns me of a mortal threat once a day will become neutralized. 
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  If the Saintess keeps approaching me like this every day while forcefully triggering the ‘False Evil’s intuition’, I would be clueless when a genuine crisis came. 



  In other words, the Saintess was unintentionally putting me in danger by neutralizing one of the most useful skills I possess. 



  No matter what, eventually I needed to come up with a countermeasure. 






  As I was contemplating this, I suddenly heard a moan and when I glanced to the side, I found Irina slumped on the floor surrounded by several aristocratic female students. 



  “Oh, what are you doing? Did you twist your foot?” 


  “What? They said that she’s a promising prospect, but she isn’t much, right?” 


  “Ha, I don’t even know how she managed to sneak into Class A when she’s just a commoner… Did she bribe someone with money?” 



  Seeing the black smoke rising from her stomach, it seems she took a hit from a magic spell after getting into an argument with the nobles. 



  If she was still in good shape and possessed her original skills, she would have cleaned up the surrounding nobles with just one flick of her finger, but in her current ‘mana exhausted’ state, she won’t be able to stand up to these inferior people since she couldn’t even use her basic magic properly. 






  Irina, who was groaning while holding her stomach, saw me staring at her miserable state and gave me a terrifying glare full of hatred. 


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  Usually, if I were the main character in an ordinary hero drama, in such a situation, after chasing out the surrounding nobles in a cool manner, I would hold Irina’s hand and gently lift her up. 



  Afterwards, Irina would probably develop a crush on me for saving her, who was a commoner despite me being a noble… She would then join the ‘harem party’ as a ‘harem member’ according to the contents written in the prophetic book. 



  But unfortunately, I wasn’t the main character of an ‘ordinary’ hero drama. In order to become the hero, I had to commit ‘False Evil’. 



  “…So you think you can join the student council?” 




  “You need to know your place, you lowlife.”



  As I insulted her, the aristocratic ladies surrounding her snickered and began casting their next magic spell. In that desperate moment, right before she was about to be engulfed in multiple magic spells… 



  “Hey, stop!!” 





  Irina’s friend, Arianne intervened, spreading a protective barrier using both her hands. 



  “Irina! Are you all right?” 




  “Hey, stop bullying innocent people… let’s go on our way, all right?” 





  The aristocratic girls were blocked by her powerful barrier, which was a special protective magic spell. They soon lost interest after touching the magic barrier several times dispersed one by one. 



  “…A lowly friend befitting a lowlife.” 



  As I watched such a scene, I threw a sarcastic remark at them and began talking with the aristocratic ladies, who soon turned their attention to me.



  ‘…Arianne. She’s a friend who’ll be quite helpful in taking care of Irina.’ 



  Arianne was Irina’s childhood friend. 



  Born with an innate aptitude for barrier  magic, she formed a formidable duo with Irina, who had an exceptional talent for offensive magic. 



  In the future, when the Demon King’s army invaded, the two of them had annihilated an entire corps together in the battle.

   “Arianne… thank you…” 


  “No, why! We’re friends, aren’t we? By the way, Irina, what did you do to exhaust your mana? By any chance, did you put a curse on someone?” 





  Meanwhile, Irina remained silent for a while at Arianne’s intuitive question, then soon opened her mouth. 







  “…This time around, I’m going to protect you no matter what. For sure.” 



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  Arianne, who tilted her head in confusion after hearing Irina’s meaningful words, was someone who had sacrificed her life to protect Irina from the Demon King’s attack. So, for Irina, until now, that incident always remained a trauma. 



  Perhaps, those words… were her conviction to protect and never let her friend die right in front of her eyes again.



[Acquired False Evil Points: 60 pts! (Instilled firm will)



  I sighed for a moment while staring at the system prompt, which displayed the number of points I had reaped from Irina who was determined to kill me. Then I left the classroom with the giggling noble ladies. 










  “Today’s field practice is combat training.” 



  Prof. Isolet spoke as she looked at the members of Class A on the field with her sharp eyes. 
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  “The content of the training is to have a duel with me. “



  As soon as that statement came out of her mouth, the field became noisy.



  “Silence!! Be quiet!!!” 



  She silenced the students at once with a thunderous shout, and then opened her mouth again as she looked at them. 



  “Go all out against me so I can figure out your skills and potential.” 



  After saying that, Prof. Isolet drew her sword for the duel and started calling the students out, one by one. 



  And soon after, anaristocratic massacre ensued. 



  “I’m begging you, please go easy… kwaaak!” 


  “…Pathetic. Next.” 




  “What you’re using now is not a fireball, but a firecracker. It’s perfect for a family birthday party. Next.” 


  “Now, don’t get too excited over… Ugh…!” 


  “I’m sure even the thugs roaming the streets would be better at handling swords than you. Next.” 



  Like that, she crushed all the nobles who entered the academy through the backdoor without giving them any face at all. 



  “Haa… Haa…” 


  “…There is a lack of endurance, but the initial attacks were quite sharp. Be mindful of that and devote yourself to put in more effort. Next.” 




  “The magic is highly perfected, but the chanting speed is slow. In an actual battle, the speed of chanting can be the difference between life and death, so you better pay attention to that. Next.”



  “…Overall great. Next.” 



  However, unlike the nobles, most of the commoners had a good time, as she praised them and even pointed out the things that need to be fixed. 



  “…This professor is so annoying, isn’t she?” 


  “Didn’t you know? The professor only gives preferential treatment to commoners despite being a noble herself.” 


  “Leave her be. That bitch probably thinks she’s a nice person.” 



  Naturally, her reputation couldn’t have been good among the nobles. 



  ‘…These retards don’t even realize that their skills are lacking.’ 



  Of course, Prof. Isolet was thoroughly evaluating each and every student solely based on their abilities. In fact, she had even praised some of the aristocratic students who were skilled enough. 



  Although these ignorant nobles would never admit it. 



  “…Young master.” 





  As I was deep in thought, Kania, who was standing right next to me, asked me a question. 



  “…By any chance, are you not feeling well these days?” 


  “…What do you mean?” 



  I tilted my head and asked her what she really meant since her question was silly. Staring at my eyes quietly for a moment, Kania continued to speak.



 “That’s… nevermind. It’s just, somehow, it seems like that.”

 “…I’m fine, and it’s none of your business.”




  Listening to my response, Kania turned her head to watch the duel, but her facial expression said that she was still agonizing over something. 



  ‘…What’s wrong with her?’ 



  I tilted my head for a moment at her peculiar behavior, but I soon dispelled my doubts when the professor caled her out and she started getting nervous. 



  ‘…I truly hope black magic won’t pop out.’ 



  Her mana was in a very precarious state, so there was a possibility of dark mana seeping out of it. To prepare for such a scenario, I had transfused a lot of life force into her this morning, but I was still a little nervous. 



 – Clink. 



  After pondering for a moment, I lightly touched one of the several brooches that I had previously attached to Kania’s clothes and then began staring into her eyes. 



  In an emergency, the brooch I just touched could transfer life force to the person I was making eye contact with, and was an artifact I would have never used because it drained much more life force compared to transfusing through physical contact. 



  However, I occasionally use it if I found myself in a situation where physical contact wasn’t possible and there was a risk of Kania’s black magic being exposed. Just like right now.



  ‘Even if the students won’t find out, Prof. Isolet will respond immediately to even the slightest amount of dark mana… well, it’s unavoidable.’ 








  As soon as I started sharing my life force, Kania started casting magic with a more relaxed expression than usual, and soon her duel lasted long enough to break the previous record. 



  As I felt the sense of my body disappearing over time, I was agonizing over whether or not to continue this, but then Kania soon stopped casting magic and bowed her head. 



  “…I can only fight this far.” 


  “Hmm? Why? Don’t you still have the power to fight more?” 


  “I was born with unstable mana, so if I fight any longer than this, my mana might go out of control. I apologize.” 


  “…I guess that’s why you were holding back while attacking.” 



  Professor Isolet sheathed her sword, then gave her verdict. 



  “If you can fix that mana instability, you’ll be an outstanding wizard. Let me help you from now on.” 


  “…Thank you.” 



  So, Kania thanked her while politely bowing and then returned to my side. This time around, Irina was called by Prof. Isolet. 



  “…Ugh, Ugh.” 





  Irina, who stood there while facing Prof. Isolet, clenched her teeth and trembled, as she barely managed to summon only one magic arrow. 



  “…What are you trying to do?” 


  “S-Sorry… let me try… Again…”



  Irina then concentrated so hard that even her eyes turned bloodshot, but even then, after a long time had passed, she could only summon two more magic arrows. 






  Despite this, Irina continued to pour out more of her mana, but she eventually collapsed and fainted. 



  “… I don’t know what to say. Someone, take this child to the infirmary. Next.” 



  As Prof. Isolet stated coldly, Arianne ran to Irina with a worried expression on her face, then carried her on her back to the classroom instead of the infirmary. 



  Well, it can’t be helped. 



  Since if they officially announce that Irina is suffering from mana exhaustion, then she’ll be investigated for the cause, and in that case, the reverse tracking of the spell will lead to the death curse she put on me, so to avoid all that she has no choice but to hide it. 



  When the system’s item store gets unlocked, I’ll have to look for some artifacts that can help her out. 



  “I, well… I’ll abstain…” 





  Saintess Ferloche, the next challenger who stepped forward, declared her abstention as soon as she stood in front of Prof. Isolet. 



  “Are you kidding me right now?” 


  “Ah, oh no… I just don’t intend to use this power on the professor…”



  Currently, Ferloche had the blessing of the Sun God without permission. This was a blessing that could only be obtained once by praying on an auspicious day and with Church’s consent. So, if she sparred with Prof. Isolet, the truth would be discovered. 



  Of course, one might think that it would have been okay for her to spar with Prof. Isolet in moderation, but there was a reason why the legend about the previous generation Saintess who had torn off the sides of the Demon King existed. 



  Although the blessing of the Sun God was weak against multiple enemies, it was still a terrifying blessing in a 1:1 situation. In other words, no matter what Prof. Isolet did, she wouldn’t be able to withstand it.



  “…Then, this will be the last one.” 



  Prof. Isolet, who was glaring at Ferloche, beckoned her to go away, and then turned to me, the last remaining student. 



  “…Status Window.” 



Name: Isolet Arham Bywalker
Strength: 8.5
Mana: 5
Intelligence: 7
Mental Strength: 7
Passive Status: Injured Right Arm



  I opened Isolet’s status window, and after looking at it for a moment, I immediately unsheathed my sword and asked. 



  “…Did you have fun playing around with these commoners? Sister?” 




  “Why don’t you say something when someone asks a question…?” 


  “…You’ve become corrupt, Frey.” 



  Yes. I knew her already.



  The Starlight and the Bywalker families had deeply entwined bonds that had remained firm over for thousands of years. Thanks to that, we had a close relationship akin to siblings and knew each other since we were kids.



  We used to practice the sword and play house together, but she was no longer on my side. 



  I was public enemy number one right now after all. 



  “…Corrupt? That sounds funny. I guess sister is just an idiot.” 




  “It’s hilarious how the only thing you can do when you come to the academy after kicking off the position of Imperial Knights’ Deputy Commander is to play around with me, just like when we were kids.” 


  “…Come at me.” 


  “As you wish.” 



  The moment she coldly cut me off with her words, I charged at her while pointing my sword. 



 – Clank!!! 



  And then sparks flew off. 





  “Why? Are you surprised?” 



   She was pushed back for a moment after barely blocking my blow with her trembling right arm, as I kept unleashing fierce sword slashes to take advantage of the opening.



  “…What? Was Young Master Frey always this good at swordsmanship?” 


  “Well, since he’s from the Starlight family, isn’t it natural?” 


  “…But rumor has it that Lord Frey doesn’t really have a knack for swordsmanship?”



  While the students were shocked and started babbling about my unexpected display of skill, Ferloche, who lowered her head, stared coldly at the red brooch glowing on my chest.



 – Claaank!! 



  The fierce duel concluded the moment I struck her sword and it ended up getting stuck to the floor. While all the students were stunned by the result…



  “…It’s magic!” 



  Suddenly, Ferloche cut in between us and shouted as she pointed at my brooch. 



  “…There’s evil magic in that brooch!” 



  With that said, Ferloche strode up to me then began injecting holy power into my brooch. Instantly, an evil aura leaked out of the brooch with a terrible screech. 



 – Screeeeeech!!! 



  The brooch, which was making terrible creaking noises for a long time, eventually couldn’t withstand the constant injection of holy power and shattered into pieces, then Isolet who was quietly watching the whole scene finally opened her mouth with a hardened expression on her face.



  “…To think you would resort to such evil magic, you’re a disgrace to the Starlight family.” 


  “Isn’t sister also a disgrace to the Bywalker family?” 


  “Frey Raon Starlight, penalized 20 demerit points for using an artifact in violation of the rules..” 


  “…Why? You can’t say anything, so you want to press charges with your authority as a professor?” 


  “…In addition, individual counseling. Follow me right now.”



  Then I started following Isolet towards the main building as I was instructed. I sighed and muttered under my breath as I stared at the system prompt that appeared in front of me.  



[Acquired False Evil Points: 100pts! (Reasonable investment)]



  “…That was expensive.” 



  I remember spending a third of my assets customizing that brooch. Well, it didn’t matter now since I got the desired result… However, it was such a waste since I could’ve just reused it as many times as I wanted.   



  ‘…I need to write a letter to my father asking for more money.’ 



  I quietly followed Isolet while lamenting at the irony of the need to have a fortune to commit more evil. 








  As Frey followed Isolet, he heard her mumbling.

 “Evil magic…”



  Kania, who overheard the phrase ‘evil magic,’ recalled the blood-stained handprints on the bed she saw back in the dormitory and muttered with a sharp look.



  “…I need to find out what the hell he was doing back in the room.” 


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  As soon as Kania said that, something was being created using the dark mana gathered in her hand.


The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

메인 히로인들이 나를 죽이려 한다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.   Now, I'm trying to save the world using the 'System' I gained as the 'Regressor's Privilege'...   But the Main Heroines have also awakened their memories of the previous timeline.   God dammit.


  1. Who Knows says:

    Hm? Using the brooch actually helped Kania think he was doing real evil stuff? Did he save himself from being discovered without noticing? Haha

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