The Clue

Chapter 5 - The Clue

  “…Young Master, it’s morning. Please wake up.”
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  “mhmm…five more minutes…”


  “Today is the first day we’ll meet our classmates. If we’re late…”


  “I don’t care…just let me sleep a little longer…”



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  I had stayed up all night in fear of getting stabbed by Kania while I slept.



  Of course, when Kania got up and tried to wake me, I pretended to be asleep just to annoy her.



  It might seem like a pointless action, but each of these actions earns me false evil points that can save the world.



 [Acquired False Evil Points: 1 pt! (Poor Acting)]

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  To overcome my current problems, I needed to move on to the next phase immediately. In other words, I needed to work harder to commit more intense evil than ever before.



  “…Ha, then I’ll leave first. I hope I’m not late…”


  “Let’s go together.”




  “If you’re my attendant, you should go with me. Wait here for a minute.”



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  She had been trained as a butler in our family since childhood, so she had a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder for following set rules and regulations and terribly hated breaking them.



  So, if I made her late on the first day… I’d be able to earn quite a lot of points.



  “…Young Master. Please, let me help you prepare immediately…”


  “Am I a child? Stay still. I can handle this on my own.”



  I stopped Kania from trying to help me and started packing as slowly as possible.



  “Please, Young Master…”





  Kania, who was watching me, broke out in a cold sweat and hurried me along.



  “Let’s see…books… writing utensils…hmm, shall I take a quill or a fountain pen?”


  “Young Master, we’re running out of time. Let’s take everything first and then-”


  “Which one do you prefer? Kania?”


  “…the fountain pen.”


  “Okay, then I’ll take the quill.”





  After wasting time like this for a while, Kania lowered her head and muttered suddenly.



  “…Young Master, we only have a minute left. Please allow me to leave.”


  “Wait, I haven’t decided what brooch I’m going to put on yet.”


  “D-Did I do…something wrong?”



  I was casually rummaging through my brooches when I saw Kania glaring at me with a resentful expression while asking a question.



  I wanted to tell her that trying to kill me was a mistake. But I decided to remain silent since it was all my fault and karma.



  “If you tell me, I’ll rectify it. So please forgive me…”


  “Kania, you like fountain pens, don’t you?”





  But as she kept speaking, I took the treasured fountain pen that she always carried out of her pocket and spun it around while answering her questions.



  “I heard that the recently developed magic fountain pen writes while moving by itself, isn’t it?”


  “…Is that so?”


  “Yes, isn’t it really convenient? Because you don’t have to hold the pen in your hand while writing.”


  “I see. But why does it matter now…”


  “So, just because a fountain pen can write by itself doesn’t mean it’s better than its owner, right?”



  I grabbed Kania’s shoulder with one hand and stopped spinning the fountain pen in the other, then started poking her in the chest.



  “If the fountain pen gets excited about the fact that it can move on its own and write on its own accord, it’ll eventually be thrown away. In the end, a fountain pen is just a tool, no matter how brilliant the applied magic is.”




  “So, if you don’t want to be abandoned, don’t act on your own, Kania. If you keep being imprudent, such as sending a telegram to my father when I didn’t even ask like this time around, I’ll throw you and your sister out of the family using my authority.”





  Kania replied with her teeth clenched as I finished my speech by flinging her fountain pen into the corner of the room.



  I looked at her with a satisfied expression, then glanced sideways at the clock behind her and confirmed that it was past the hour mark.

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  “Well then, let’s go slowly.”




  “You carry my bag. I’ll just pick up a brooch then catch up with you soon.”


  “…All right.”


  So I let her carry my bag and sent her out of the room. Then, I immediately stumbled and groaned, covering my mouth with my hand while coughing.



  “Cough! Cough! Ugh…”



  When I grabbed Kania’s shoulder with my hand, I tried to infuse a day’s worth of life force. Apparently, it seemed I overdid it.



  After sitting on the floor coughing for a while, I staggered up with my hand on the bed as I sighed, sighed, and headed for the door






  And now it’s time to head to Class A, where all the heroines who were trying to kill me were gathered.

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  “…You two, it’s already been 10 minutes since the class started. What the hell were you doing?”


  “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”





  As soon as we entered Class A, we could hear the scolding of our homeroom teacher.



  “…Frey Raon Starlight, and Kania. The two of you are penalized 10 demerit points for tardiness.”




  “Do as you wish.”



  As I headed to my seat, pretending to listen to the homeroom teacher’s words, I quietly began staring at the system window in front of me.

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[Acquired False Evil Points: 70 pts! (Unavoidable)]



  ‘…Yes, I had no choice. It was unavoidable. I’m sorry, Kania.’


  If Kania was left unattended like this, she would face her ‘First Crisis’ in a few months.



  In the previous timeline, she barely survived the crisis, but she was permanently subjected to excruciating pain and auditory hallucinations.



  So, to delay or overcome the ‘First Crisis’, her younger sister must be awakened earlier than before.



  The reason I deliberately committed this kind of evil now was because there were items in the system’s ‘Item Store’ that could awaken her younger sister earlier than expected.



  When more than a certain amount of false evil points were accumulated, the next stage of the system would be unlocked, allowing access to the ‘Item Store’.



  Therefore, to prevent Kania from being cursed and as a result, suffer from eternal pain and dreadful illusions for the rest of her life, I had no choice but to harvest points from her, who was currently the most vulnerable and closest person to me.



  For reference, one of the biggest reasons she had committed suicide in front of me in the previous timeline was the unbearable pain and auditory hallucinations she was plagued by.



  So, as the system stated, this was an ‘unavoidable’ choice for me.



– Chomp, chomp…



  While I was thinking about that, I heard a strange noise. Looking to the side, I saw Kania biting her lips so hard that she was bleeding profusely. It seemed she was behaving like that since she felt guilty about being late on the first day and, as a result, received demerit points.



  ‘…Later, I’ll have to put some good ointment in her bag without anyone noticing.’


  “Well then, now that everyone in Class A has arrived, let me introduce myself.”



  Meanwhile, the professor who had glared at us wrote her name in large letters on the blackboard, then opened her mouth as she examined all the Class A students.



  “…I am Isolet Arham Bywalker. I’m the professor who will be in charge of Class A for the first year. So, I look forward to your kind cooperation.”



  I muttered to myself as I stared at her after her brief self-introduction.



  ‘…It’s been a really long time since I last saw her.’



  Isolet, the professor in charge of Class A in the first year, was the academy’s only true professor, its hope and last conscience.



  She was the eldest daughter of the Bywalker family. Her forefather was the Sword Saint who had helped my ancestor, the Hero, to challenge the Demon King a thousand years ago. She was such a promising star that even in her family, which had always produced outstanding knights, she was known as the Second Coming of the Sword Saint.



  Having been on the steep rise from an early age with her exceptional skills, she was offered both the position of Deputy Commander of the Imperial Knights and the Academy Professorship at the same time a few months ago.



  Naturally, any normal person would have chosen the position of Deputy Commander of the Imperial Knights, which was the highest honor and path to success as a knight. However, Prof. Isolet, who was now looking at us with an icy gaze, overturned everyone’s expectations and chose the professorship position at the academy.



  The reason was her forthright and righteous sense of justice.



  She chose the academy professorship with the aspiration to become a professor at the academy and nurture future sprouts rather than becoming the Deputy Commander of the corrupt and decaying Imperial Knights where she would be nothing more than a puppet. Because of that, she got into a huge fight with her family, who were furious with her choice, and in the end resulted in her being partially disowned.



  Therefore, it was unlikely that she would ever refer to herself again as ‘Bywalker’ after her self-introduction.



  However, just because she didn’t call herself a Bywalker didn’t mean her skills and dignity would disappear.



  She was proficient enough to easily subdue most of the Academy students.



  “…Well then, let’s get this class started.”



  Most of the students sighed or grumbled when she announced the start of the class in a dry voice.



  That was because usually the first day of class was all about adventure tales, games, making new friends, or self-introduction. But there had never been a class that followed a curriculum like hers.



  Yes, Prof. Isolet’s downside was that she was a staunch advocate of principles. Perhaps that was why Kania and she got along really well together.



  ‘…However, she is a teacher who deserves respect.’



  When the academy collapsed, she was the only one who remained until the end to fight the Demon King’s army and protect the students.



  In other words, as I said earlier, she was literally the ‘last conscience’ and ‘hope’ of this corrupt academy.



  According to the contents of the prophetic book, thanks to such endeavors, I think she was called a ‘Sub-Heroine’ in my ancestor’s original world?



  It was something I didn’t understand quite well, but regardless, it was really fortunate that she was a ‘sub’ heroine. If her memories of the previous timeline had also returned because she was the ‘main’ heroine… I may have been engaged in a life-and-death battle with her by now.



  “…You, y-you, y-you… how can you be here…!?”





  As I was engrossed in my thoughts, I suddenly heard a startled voice, and when I glanced to the side, I saw Irina staring at me with a haggard face, as if she was looking at a ghost.






  And at the same time, I felt a chill down my spine, so when I looked back, I noticed Saintess Ferloche glaring at me.






  Kania, who was sitting right next to me, eventually stared at me with hateful eyes, and a cold breeze started blowing in the classroom.



  “Concentrate! All of you there, focus! I’m not kind enough to take care of every single one of you just because you’re in Class A!”



  I was sweating profusely under her gaze when Prof. Isolet shouted while pounding the blackboard with her fist, diverting the heroines’ attention, as I sighed and mumbled under my breath.



  “…Now three-fifths of them have already gathered.”



  Even without the presence of my fiancée who was abroad and the Imperial Princess who was supposed to arrive at the academy right before the end of today’s last class, the atmosphere of the classroom was already freezing. 



  I guess I’ll have to buy one of those hot packs soon.










  “Then, let’s finish today’s class here.”



   Prof. Isolet, ever the disciplinarian, ended the class as soon as the bell rang to announce break time.



  Freed from the pain of having to listen to what I already knew, I started stretching and leaned back in my chair. Suddenly, Kania, who had been sitting next to me, stood up and began heading somewhere else.



  As I watched her leave, craning my neck, I suddenly heard a voice from behind.



  “…E-Excuse me. Sir Frey?”





  I turned around to find Saintess Ferloche standing nervously behind me.



  “…Would you like to visit the cathedral after school? I would like to give my blessing to Sir Frey, a member of the Hero’s family.”

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False Evil’s Intuition: A strong murderous intent is felt nearby.

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  Eventually, as soon as she made a suggestion while sweating profusely, a system window popped up in front of my eyes, and thanks to that, and I muttered under my breath with an incredulous expression.



  ‘…What? Is this a foreshadowing of a murder?’



  She was called the ‘Pure White Saintess,’ known for being kind and pure, acknowledged by all across the continent.



  In other words, she was too naïve to come up with a proper scheme.



  “…Status Window”



Name: Ferloche Astellade
Strength: 1
Holy Power: 8
Intelligence: 2
Mental Strength: 8
Passive Status: Blessing of the Sun God



  I tightly shut my eyes and opened her status window, muttering softly as I looked at the trembling Ferloche. My eyes widened when I saw the status effect field.



  ‘…The Blessing of the Sun God?’



  The Blessing of the Sun God wasn’t something any mortal could receive. It was bestowed only upon a Saintess recognized by the Sun God, granted when their earnest prayers were answered.



  With such a blessing, ability values ​​become meaningless. Today, Ferloche can bend me with one hand and even tear me to shreds.



  There was even a legendary tale that, a thousand years ago, the Saintess, who was a member of my ancestor’s party, the Hero, used that blessing to tear off the sides of the Demon King.








  If I followed her to the cathedral, I would be quietly offered as a sacrifice to the Sun God in secret. When I immediately rejected her, Ferloche looked shocked.



  “Now, w-wait a minute…don’t be like that. You don’t seem to know the value of my blessing. The blessing I’m offering to Sir Frey today can’t even be bought with money…”



  “…Well, I don’t need it?”


  “Yes? But…”


  “Get out of my face. I hate religious fanatics.”


  “U-Uh, excuse me… so…”



  As I spoke with an annoyed expression, Ferloche broke out in a cold sweat and began stuttering.



  As one could see, this ‘Pure White Saintess’ not only had a pure heart but also a pure mind.



  To say it kindly, she was a devout believer who only knew the Sun God and his doctrines. To put it bluntly, she was just a holy power shuttle. Realizing she hadn’t even come up with a Plan B in case I rejected her offer, her scheme was already over.



  ‘…Tch, because you’re so gullible, the Church took advantage of you.’



  The elders of the Church, who coveted her overflowing holy power, deceived her with honeyed words into becoming their holy power shuttle.



  After all, it was the Church that served the insane Sun God who bestowed his blessing upon the heroine who was trying to kill me, who was desperately struggling to save the world, instead of aiding me, . Not to mention, the Sun God didn’t even show up in the previous timeline when the Demon King was rampaging without hesitation.



  Therefore, the Church needed to be reformed. It seemed that even when I stayed still, I somehow ended up with more mess to deal with.



  “Uh, u-uh… um…”


  “…Piss off. You holy power shitstain.”





  When I rebuked her harshly due to my worsening mood, the Saintess bowed her head, holding back tears, and returned to her seat.



  To be honest, I was worried about what to do if she got desperate enough to try ripping my head off, but I’m glad she didn’t.



  “Uh, how is he even alive… that fucking son of a bitch… was he in‘First Crisis’ cahoots with the Demon King this early on…?”



  Ferloche returned to her seat, looking defeated. Then, Irina, who was next to me, started muttering something in a panic.



  She would suffer from ‘Mana Exhaustion’ for a year, so in the future, I think I should take care of her like Kania.



  If she dropped out of Class A or got expelled, the ‘scenario’ would have many problems.



  ‘Then, the most dangerous ones are the Imperial Princess and my fiancée…’



  Listening to the voices of Ferloche, who was diligently planning her next scheme in the back seat, and Irina, who was constantly muttering next to me, I quietly leaned back in my chair and started pondering about the Imperial Princess and my fiancée.



  After mulling it over for a while, I came to the following conclusion.



  ‘…Should I just take a leave of absence?’



  Even with the system, I wasn’t confident I could beat them both.










  “I found it, my fountain pen.”



  While Frey agonized over how to deal with the Imperial Princess and his fiancée, Kania returned to Frey’s dormitory and picked up the fountain pen that had been lying on the floor.



  “…I’ll definitely kill you, you son of a bitch. No matter the cost.”



  She tightly embraced the fountain pen, which she had forgotten to take with her in fear of being late—the most precious treasure her sister gave her as a gift when she was young. She then tried to return to the main academy building before the class bell rang…






  Soon after, she noticed something on the white bed sheet and approached it.



  “…What is this?”

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 There remained blood-stained handprints.

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

메인 히로인들이 나를 죽이려 한다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
To save the hopeless Dark Fantasy World, I held back my tears and destroyed the world, then killed the Demon King and returned.   Now, I'm trying to save the world using the 'System' I gained as the 'Regressor's Privilege'...   But the Main Heroines have also awakened their memories of the previous timeline.   God dammit.


  1. DarkSilver says:

    ohhhh drama
    thanks for the chapter

  2. Who Knows says:

    Let’s goooooo

  3. Ad says:

    This story is additive

  4. Salty says:

    Heheh, that’s what I’ve been waiting for.

  5. .... says:

    Did the saintess forgot her memories or what?
    That’s weird she didn’t get any mental growth with what she said before dying previously..

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