The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines Chapter 66


 ༺ Interlude ༻ 





  At 2 A.M, I woke up and carefully caressed Euphemia’s hair while she was sleeping.
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 I couldn’t sleep even though I was still weary and exhausted…


  So, I got out of bed, grabbed a glass of water, and went to the balcony.


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  Maybe because the darkness had already claimed the sky and the stars. The moon seemed to have a mellow glint……


  Looking at the beautiful night sky, soothed my emotions to some extent.


  ‘I will become a father……’
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  At first, this was only one of my many plans to chain Euphemia to me.


  Even Seo-jin had never been a parent.


  But after killing Ciel Midford, and receiving the news that Euphemia was now pregnant with my child……Complex emotions started bubbling within me.
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  ‘Now, all that remains is……’


  To have the First Prince of the Roverium Kingdom ascend to the throne and to deal with the Claudia family.


  ‘No, that can’t be all.’


  I don’t have any concrete evidence, but I’m certain that the Elmark Empire was behind the cloaked man who instigated Ciel Midford.


  The Elmark Empire benefited the most from this situation. 
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  And now, Prince Inas has become their puppet, moving according to their will.


  ‘And putting Ciel Midford on stasis……’
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  Perhaps they would be satisfied with both possible results.


  Since the novel stopped on a cliffhanger, I can’t be entirely sure, but if one were to consider the power that Brutein represents……
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  It wouldn’t be weird if the Elmark Empire became Ciel Midford’s shield.


  And, if one were to consider the achievements Gremory made, even though she was a woman……
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  Receiving the title of the Crown Princess?


  Becoming the de facto Empress?


  Being the strongest Auror Knight alive?


  That was just the tip of the iceberg.


  Truthfully, the true Emperor of Elmark, who is now 71, should have already handed the crown to his successor, but he didn’t do that.
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  Because Gremory wants it to be this way.


  Her official title as the ‘Crown Princess’ is nothing more than a joke, as she is the true Empress, the one governing the Empire from the shadows.
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  Isn’t it possible that Gremory was in fact, a secondary heroine?


  But if one were to consider not only her position but also their possible encounter……
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  Their meeting must have occurred in a reasonable way from Ciel Midford’s point of view.


  However, the development in the novel that Gremory, the true Empress of the Elmark Empire, helps a nameless Knight in his quest for revenge is somewhat ridiculous.
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  ‘If that is the case, then…… Gremory Elden Ishitar Elmark…. Are you planning on waging war?’


  As I drank the cold water from my glass, I gazed at the starry night sky, contemplating the future.


  Maybe I’m overthinking this.


  But, if this novel followed the usual trend of having a powerful villain harass the Main Character, and in this situation, a woman bearing both overwhelming physical and political prowess appeared……
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  Yes, that was how these ‘cliches’ happened in Seo-Jin’s memories.


  The fact that this world was genuine didn’t change the reality that it was still based on the settings the Author wrote.


  The triggers related to the villain’s demise still exist.


  It’s just that the main character who would be responsible for triggering these events is now dead.
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  There’s no use in pondering about this anymore.


  Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I turned my gaze towards something I had not seen in a long time — My status window.



「Special abilities」
▶??? (4/5)
▶ Digitization



  ‘I’m still not capable of unlocking this ability……’




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  There was now an update to it, and I can remember only one event significant enough to have caused this.


  When the gates of the underworld were forcibly summoned and that unusual monster appeared.


  ‘I checked my altar, but no transaction was made.’


  This implies that this ability is able to summon a monster of the underworld without performing a transaction.
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  ‘There is also that other thing……’


  The monster that was summoned was extremely unusual.


  So this ability could be some sort of a ‘forced summon’.
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  ‘But the weird thing is…..’


  I was able to understand the language in the manifested book as well.
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  And at that moment I was able to recall the information about the monster, that no one in this world should know of.


  ‘Ferzen Von Schweig Brutein…… Just who are you?’


  The only conclusion I can make is that this ability is triggered only when my life is threatened.


  And looking at the number of uses remaining, it wouldn’t be wrong to call these extra lives.
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  An ability worthy of a Villain.


  ‘Even his life as well.’


  Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
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  No, extreme obsessive-compulsive disorder.


  This is not something one is born with.
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  Normally, an individual develops a mental illness due to his surroundings or traumas.


  But Ferzen, from the moment he was born, suffered from this illness.


  ‘Only the tip of the iceberg indeed.’


  The kind of iceberg that was eagerly waiting to wreck the hull of your ship.


  But, I was strangely excited to see where this new development would lead.
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  And with such musings, I drank the rest of my water and returned to the bedroom.




  Then, as I lay on the bed once more, I hugged Euphemia who was still sleeping soundly.


  Normally I could control my possessiveness towards her to an extent, but after finding out she carried my child……My impulses were starting to go out of control.
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  Like a cat, I wanted to lick her body, tease her, and embrace her……


  However, since she was in the early stages of her pregnancy, I had to abstain myself as the risk of a miscarriage was quite high in these early stages.


  I didn’t wish for my child to die, nor did I wish for Euphemia to lose her child as well.


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  I gently caressed her navel and buried my head in her neck.


  This made her scent even more intense as it overwhelmed my senses.


  This served to increase my desires, as I naturally lowered my hands and touched her inner thigh.
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  …….Her legs trembled.


  Tracing my hands around her sensitive flesh, I touched her pearl.




  Then Euphemia let out a faint moan and stirred.


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  As she moved, her nightgown was lifted, and her scent spread around the room.


  How could a woman’s scent be so……Alluring?
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  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I nestled her in my embrace.


  The current Euphemia was in a delicate situation, so I treated her gently.


  I tried to fall asleep while holding her like this, but I couldn’t……
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  My desires were still unsatisfied, and unrestrained so I teased her ear.




  Perhaps that was more stimulating than I had expected.


  Euphemia, now awake, looked at her surroundings with a drowsy gaze and realized that she was nestled in my arms.




  Perhaps because she wasn’t fully awake, her voice sounded more like a child’s whining, which amused me greatly.
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  “It’s still three in the morning……You can’t sleep……?”


  Euphemia rubbed her misty eyes as she looked at the clock on the wall.




  Eventually, Euphemia became aware of the fact that her nightgown was lifted and that my hands were placed on her privates.
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  “The baby….We can’t……”




  “The doctor said……”
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  Euphemia pleaded in a shy tone, as she tried to fix her nightgown.


  Truthfully, I didn’t want to stop, but I patiently watched as she fixed her clothes without interfering.




  Was it so unusual of me to hold in my desires?
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  Euphemia seemed to think it was, as she looked at me with a puzzled glint in her golden eyes.


  “You still want to do it……?”
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  “I can….With my mouth….I c-can use my mo-mouth….I can do it…….”


  I couldn’t help but hug her a little tighter as she uttered those words to me.
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  Euphemia then shook her head and tried to reach for my swollen trousers, perhaps interpreting my actions as a confirmation.


  “We c-can do it……The baby…..”


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  “B-But I can use my mouth……J-just like that night……”


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  “I-i’ll do my b-best……”






  “Sleep. I’m sorry for disturbing you.”


  I gently stroked her navel as I said those words.
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  But despite this, Euphemia still reached for my trousers.




  Curious about what she would do, I simply watched as she freed my erect member from its prison.
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  And following this, she took off her underwear as she approached my shaft with the mouth of her womanhood.


  I could feel the smooth texture of her pubic hair, as she hugged my sword between her womanhood and her thighs.


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  Euphemia who was blushing furiously stuttered as she tried to speak.


  “D-didn’t you want to do it……?”


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  What an interesting turn of events.


  “J-just the tip….A little bit….Won’t matter……”




  Euphemia spread her womanhood as if inviting me.


  “You can’t go in too deep……it might hurt the baby….”
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  Trying to rein in my laughter, I hugged Euphemia with her head facing outward.


  Then positioning my member between her crotch, I guided her hands to it.
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  “Do it with your hands. This will be enough for me.”


  “But that will take too long……”


  While grumbling, Euphemia began her clumsy movements.


  The soft skin of her thighs was a well-received stimulation……
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  “You are getting better at this, Euphemia.”


  “You were the one who taught me these things……”


  Her words carried a little bit of bitterness, so in order to remedy her behavior, I caressed and teased her ear with my tongue.


  “Ah……n-not the ear….Hmnn…..”
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  “Your hand stopped.”





  Euphemia squirmed as she started caressing my erect member once more.
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  As our fluids started gradually blending together, her movement began to produce a strange wet sound.


  Her thighs started to get damp from her sweat, as her slit cried its transparent tears.


  And because our privates were in contact, this only seemed to enhance the pleasure.
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  Euphemia curled her tights around my shaft as she caught my seed with her hands.




  After savoring the sweet sensation of our ejaculation.




  Gently biting her neck I enjoyed this moment, and after a while, she pulled back.
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  Euphemia looked at me and raised her hands, showing my seed.


  My seed flowed not only from between her hands, but also from her thighs and her warmth.


  “Stay still.”
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  After grabbing a clean cloth, and moistening it with water, I cleaned her hands.


  And then I went towards her thighs……


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  Without even saying a word, Euphemia lifted her nightgown and spread her legs.


  “Did I do something wrong…..?


  “Nothing of the sort.”
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  With a smirk, I reached toward her thighs.




  When the damp cloth came into contact with her thighs, Euphemia trembled.


  So, gently holding her waist with my left hand, I wiped my seeds from her thighs and from her slit.


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  Removing her wet underwear, I threw it in the basket close to the door, and hugged Euphemia.


  It was now 4 A.M.

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  While embracing her……


  I finally managed to fall asleep.


* * * * *


  Euphemia who was nestled in Ferzen’s embrace clenched her legs as her now naked lower body ached.


  Her husband had fallen asleep soundly.

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  But Euphemia’s body refused to do so.


  Rather, her mind was now wide awake.




  So she quietly watched the sunrise through the window.


  It was morning already……
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  The future which was yet to pass had become the present.


  Maybe she would watch the sunrise alongside her husband one day.


  And in the future, they would watch it with their child as well……


* * * * *


  May 24th.
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  7:30 A.M.


  Inside a huge mansion owned by the Alfred Family in the Capital of the Ernes Empire.


  Yuriel was trembling with apprehension.






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  Even the knocking on her door was enough to cause her to flinch.


  “You may enter……”


  With her permission, a maid entered her chambers and bowed her head at her.


  “My Lady. The Elder is requesting your presence.”


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  Although she was already expecting this, Yuriel still cracked her knuckles to hide her faint trembling.


  Then without answering the maid, she walked out of the room.


  She walked as slowly as possible in an effort to delay the inevitable.




  But not long after, she stood in front of her destination.


  Taking a deep breath, Yuriel prepared herself to meet the devil who lurked beyond those doors.
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  Yuriel entered the devil’s lair.



TL NOTE: Yuriel’s arc starts now boys!!! next 2 chapters will take 2~3 to come out mkay?


Well good news, I’m back working rn I have more free time to translate because one of the projects I’m part of is now published, and now the bulk of the work is done, all that remains it’s the updates and fixes for things that pop up, and improvements and blablabla, it’s a mobile app for task managing if you guys wanna check it out it’s called – uList….. And maybe leave a nice review for mwe? jk jk or no…… Anyways now even while working normally I can now post chapters more frequently!


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The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

히로인을 강탈한 악당이 되었다.
Score 9.00
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
When I read the development of the Heroine getting NTR’d, I left a malicious comment……   But then I woke up, having become the Villain who robbed the Heroine.      


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