The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines Chapter 78

Yuriel Wayne Dayna Alfred (12)

༺ Yuriel Wayne Dayna Alfred (12) ༻ 



  As soon as Geralt fled, the doors were tightly shut.
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  Yuriel tried to escape Ferzen’s grasp, but……


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  He refused to let her go, as he continued to tease her fair nape.


  “I remember asking you to always keep this house ventilated.”


  “How am I supposed to ventilate the house when it’s raining so much……”
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  “Is that so? Then why didn’t you mask your scent with some perfume or incense? That would have been enough, but to think you would resort to such a lame excuse……”


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  Yuriel shut her mouth at Ferzen’s sharp remark.


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  Annoyed with Yuriel’s silence, Ferzen traced the faint marks he carved on her nape……


  “Hah……Stop it…….!”


  And he bites her once more.
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  The feeling of his teeth sinking into her nape made Yuriel’s legs quiver, as she held onto him.


  But this only served to incense the beast, as her sweet scent traveled to Ferzen’s nostrils.
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  Like a wolf who had hunted down a small animal, he continued to sink his teeth into his prey.


  But just when Yuriel was starting to get used to this painful feeling……


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  Ferzen gently licked her bruised flesh.


  This unfamiliar sensation caused Yuriel to shudder as she released a heated breath.


  Her chest heaved irregularly causing her ample bosom to jiggle lewdly.
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  “I’m sure that you are well aware of the effects of your own scent Yuriel……”


  Ferzen eventually ceased his teasing and stroked the back of her neck with his hand.
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  The Fruit of Fragrance had altered Yuriel’s scent making it smell like sweet peaches.


  “I can’t understand your goal with this Yuriel.”


  “You don’t know anything about me anyway……”
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  Yuriel pulled away from Ferzen’s grip as she glared at him defiantly.


  However, Ferzen could only perceive this act as a cute and meaningless resistance as she had been squirming helplessly in his arms just moments earlier.


  “Allow me to air out this room. Your scent has subsided for the moment, but I won’t be able to restrain myself if it becomes too intense again.”
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  “It’s not like I can turn this off……”




  As soon as she said this, Ferzen took a step towards her.
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  But of course, Yuriel stepped back.




  The two individuals continued this dance for a bit.
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  But as Yuriel reached a dead end in the form of her bed, they stopped.






  “You already know that the doctor comes here at 8 A.M.”
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  “So what…….”


  “And after every check-up, he reports back to me.”


  “What’s your point?”


  “The funny thing is that he never once reported to me anything related to your alluring scent.”
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  “This means that you make sure of ventilating the house before he comes here.”


  Ferzen continued his reasoning as Yuriel’s lips quivered.
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  “Sigh……Now that I think about it, your ‘ploy’ is rather childish.”


  “Airing out the room when you know someone will come……Is just basic courtesy.”
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  “I recall telling you that I would visit from time to time.”


  “And how would I know when you are coming? Besides, you’re not important enough for me to go through the trouble of ventilating this house……”


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  “Don’t ever say my name with that mouth of yours.”


  “If I’m not worth the trouble as you say, then why do you not resist me? Your words and your actions are rather contradictory. If you really meant what you said, then shouldn’t you do everything in your power to resist me?”


  “Stop making stuff up……”


  Having enough of him, Yuriel stormed away from Ferzen.
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  Well, she tried to.


  Because Ferzen grabbed her arm.


  “Let go of me!”
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  Yuriel struggled, but Ferzen disregarded her defiance and threw her onto the bed.


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  The bed shook violently.


  Yuriel tried to get up, but……
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  Ferzen once again caught both of her wrists and pinned them above her head.


  All she could do was lie on the bed helplessly.
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  Her back was slightly bent.


  Her figure could tempt even the most resilient of men.


  And Yuriel, who suddenly remembered a particular scene from her dream that was uncannily similar to her current predicament, blushed as she tried to use her knees to push Ferzen away, but…….
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  Each time she tried, the helm of her skirt was pushed up, revealing her silky white underwear.


  She couldn’t even cover her privates as her hands were still chained by Ferzen’s grip.


  “Yuriel. Do you know why you act in such a contradictory way?”
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  “You seem to despise me. But at the same time, you wish for me to reach out to you. This is what we call a love-hate relationship. This is nothing more than an extreme self-defense mechanism. You have feelings for me, but at the same time you refuse to acknowledge it.”


  “Shut up! You are just spouting nonsense!”


  “Then why don’t you free yourself? You’re not helpless Yuriel, there’s no way an Euclidean Elemental Wizard like you can’t free herself if she wish to.”


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  “Or could it be that you want to be rewarded for what transpired when you were 13?”


  Yuriel was speechless.


  And looking down at her, Ferzen reached out with his free hand and slowly unbuttoned her shirt.


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  “If you don’t wish to tell me, then I have no choice but to find out myself.”




  With only two buttons undone, her massive bosom was already eager to be set free from its prison.


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  When all four buttons were undone, her bountiful bosom was set free spreading her scent around the room as her pink peaks stood tall.


  Releasing the grip on her wrists, Ferzen grabbed both peaks and twisted them.




  Yuriel desperately tried to contain her shameful moan with one of her hands, and she tried to stop Ferzen with another, but……
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  It was of no use.


  Her hand was simply swatted away.


  Yuriel couldn’t comprehend what was happening.


  Her mind was in chaos.
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  Ferzen smirked looking at her complexion as he once more twisted her stiff peaks.


  And again, her hands reached out to him in defiance, but……


  There was no strength in them.
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  She didn’t answer him.


  “What you are doing right now isn’t resistance, it’s a pathetic act.”
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  “Your touch……It’s disgusting……It’s not good at all!”


  “Hah, you truly cannot be honest, can you?”


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  Yuriel couldn’t hold the obscene moan when Ferzen nibbed her bosom.


  She tried to grab his head and push him away…….But she couldn’t muster the strength to do so.


  Every time his teeth sank into her breasts, it sent shivers across her spine.
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  Yuriel had no choice but to endure it.


  Even though she cursed at him.


  Deep within her……She wanted more.
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  The desire to have her body played with, the need to have her peaks fondled, bitten until they were red and swollen…….


  So, she allowed his advances.
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  “Isn’t it clear by now Yuriel? You want this. You desire this. You wish for me to covet your body.”


  Ferzen’s words made something inside her snap.


  And with a lewd and panting expression.
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  She opened her mouth.


  “Y-Your are just…… self-rationalizing…… rape……”


  “Are you sure that it is me who is self-rationalizing it?”
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  Ferzen chuckled as his hands traveled down.


  He easily spread her legs apart.


  Finding some discharge on her inner thigh.
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  Her silky white underwear hid her wet womanhood.


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  “It’s sweet.”


  The tears shed by her privates became Ferzen’s treat.


  “Stupid bastard……Crazy pervert……”
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  Yuriel continued to curse as her shame and embarrassment reached new heights while pushing Ferzen’s head away from between her legs……


  Each time his lips touched her inner thigh, a burning hunger spread across her body.


  Her womb ached.
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  This sudden hunger was driving Yuriel crazy.


  The young woman couldn’t handle this sort of frustration.


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  Her body, which had been groomed just for him.


  Behaved like a puppy, eager to please its owner.


  But Yuriel refused to acknowledge it.
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  Suddenly, Ferzen turned her over and licked her spine as he fondled her engorged bosom as if he was milking a cow.


  With her head burning on the pillow, Yuriel lifted her waist like a bitch in heat, as her master stroked her bottom and bit her earlobe.




  Yuriel tried to control herself, but her body betrayed her, as she moaned and behaved like a cheap harlot.
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  And just like that, when the clock announced 7:20 A.M.


  Ferzen got up from the bed, in a dignified manner as if nothing had happened.


  But Yuriel lay wasted on the bed.
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  The tears shed by womanhood completely soaked the duvet.


  Her body was once again marked by him.


  And now, she……
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  Curled in on herself.


  And wept like a child.


  At this, Ferzen gently stroked her body.


  He didn’t plan on teasing her for that long.
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  But her scent robbed him of his reasoning……


  And like a drug, until its effects wore off, he couldn’t help himself.


  At this point, one could even call her scent a pheromone.
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  “I met with Corleone. And now, sooner or later I will come and make you mine.”




  “The doctor shall be here soon, so remember to ventilate this house and fix your appearance.”
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  “Just……Get the hell out of here……And go die……”


  Ferzen simply smiled and walked away, even though such harsh words were said to him.


  “Take care of yourself Yuriel……Because I will come back for you.”


  Opening the door, Ferzen unfolded his umbrella and disappeared amidst the rain.
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  “Bad bastard……”


  Now alone, Yuriel covered herself with the duvet.


  She was nearly naked……
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  And her wretched self was at the complete mercy of Ferzen.


  Even her mind wasn’t free from his clutches.


  “Stupid bastard……”


  As she cursed, Yuriel assessed the state of her body.
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  Her nape, wrists, bosom, and thighs were marked by him.


  She slowly traced each and every mark left on her body.


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  The doctor knocked on her door.


  But Yuriel didn’t hear it.


  After some time, the doctor walked away, to report to Ferzen.
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  When he heard the doctor’s report, Ferzen wondered if Yuriel had left the house.
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  But she was still in there.


  She couldn’t leave.


  Because now there was an intangible leash binding her.
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  A leash in the form of a promise.
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  That her owner would one day, return to her.


  Such was the truth of this world.


  Just as the flowers in a garden couldn’t move of their own volition.
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  They could only wait for their fate.


  And long for their gardener’s presence….
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  It was simply the way things were meant to be.



TL NOTE: Someone needs to Bonk Yuriel fr. Shes thirstier than me on a sunday 4 p.m when im all alone, bored and reading some stupid ass fanfic i don’t even enjoy.


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The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

The Villain Who Robbed the Heroines

히로인을 강탈한 악당이 되었다.
Score 9.00
Status: Ongoing Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
When I read the development of the Heroine getting NTR’d, I left a malicious comment……   But then I woke up, having become the Villain who robbed the Heroine.      


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